Safe Spaces & the L.A. Sparks

They finally arrived! It took more than a month, but the uniforms donated by the L.A. Sparks have made their way to the girls in the Safe Spaces program in Nairobi, Kenya. For those not familiar with them, the L.A. Sparks is the professional WNBA team here in Los Angeles. Following our trip to Kenya, we met with Diana Imhoff with the L.A. Sparks to tell her about an amazing program we spent time with in Nairobi. Following our meeting they agreed to donate uniforms. This program, Safe Spaces, was started by Peninah Nthenya and operates in the Eastland slums of Nairobi. Peninah and her sister grew up in the Mathare Valley slum but found refuge and a future through sports and basketball in particular. Kenya has several basketball leagues that are sponsored by corporations. Through athletics, both young girls were able to receive a high school and college degrees. Peninah returned to the slums to start Safe Spaces. Her program has been instrumental in teaching and empowering young girls. Through basketball girls have received jobs and a better way of life. In fact, the 2011 Safe Spaces team is the first team comprised of all girls from the slums to win the NBA title (Nairobi Basketball Association). For more information about Safe Spaces, please visit their website at:
So thank you L.A. Sparks or helping this program and thank you Peninah for the truly inspirational work you do every day.