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What to bring and what not to bring, that is the question. Whether tis smarter to leave the hair dryer and strappy sandals than to suffer the cost and aggravation of an overweight bag...

I've been packing and re-packing this bag for weeks and my indecision has reached an all time high. My duffle is 27" tall (that's the object of my obsession next to Annie the German Shorthaired Pointer), and it has to hold everything I could possibly want for the next 103 days. Not only does it have to hold everything, but it can't weigh more than 44lbs (the weight limit for some of the planes we're taking). I've even begun dreaming of clothing combinations in my sleep... skirts, shirts, pants dance their way through my head every evening. I need to get a grip and channel my inner "Kathy Eldon". For those who aren't familiar with Kathy, she is an amazing women who started a foundation to honor her son's memory. It's called the Creative Visions Foundation and she founded the organization to support "Creative Activists" who use media and the arts to create positive change in the world (proud to say our project has been accepted by her foundation). Anyway, she has traveled the world and her expert advice to us was to pack light. A few shirts, pants and skirts - it's easy. So why isn't it easy? Relief will finally come when it is time to leave, which is only days away - so I guess I better get packing!

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