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My First Blog... Ever

Welcome to the inaugural Theatre for Humans Producer's Blog. Actually this is my first blog ever. Let's not even talk about Facebook or Twitter. I'm being dragged into the age of social networking kicking and screaming... and whining a little bit. Way more comfortable with the technology in the last century. Like a phone that hung on a wall and you could only walk a few feet away from the wall because of the cord. OK, I'm getting way off subject here and no I'm not in my 80s. Grew up in the 80s though. So we've established Im not super comfortable with change. But hey, change is good and blogging will be good because I'm going to have lots of exciting things to tell you about our play, Y (a play), and how we're goint to get from our first production meeting to opening night.

I'll be blogging from place like the UN Headquarters in New York, the CARE Conference and Capitol Hill in Washington DC, and of course, our Theatre for Humans home base in Los Angeles. Now let's go international. You might find me, my Co-Producer, Terry and our creative team in Africa, India or Haiti interviewing women and NGO personnel from around the world.

So check in with us on our Producer's Blog and we'll keep you posted on our travels and the amazing people we're going to meet along the way. So when is the rainy season in the Congo?

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