Internally Displaced Persons forced to beg for food & money

Protests in Tahir Square following the Arab Spring

Theatre for Humans
Producer's Picks:
Looking for a way to feel good and do good? Consider donating to the following Organizations
Women for Afghan Women
Based in Queens, New York this NGO provides vital and life saving services to women and children in the United States and Afghanistan
NightLight International
Operating in Thailand and the United States, Nightlight International helps women escape sex trade by offering counseling, medical services and vocational training to women in need.
Safe Spaces
Founded by Peninah Nythenya Musyimi, Safe Spaces provides exactly that... a safe space in the Eastland slums of Nairobi for girls to learn life skills, reproductive health training, vocational training, and pursue educational scholarship opportunities.
Featured Video
This short video tells the story of Women for Afghan Women, a remarkable NGO doing work in Afghanistan and the United States. It was the intro piece for their last live webinar from Afghanistan.